Ebook in lingua Inglese
What is healing? What really determines it? How can we make it happen? It is increasingly clear that there is not just one single kind of medicine and that paths to healing flow through the integration of multiple pieces of knowledge and the combination of many perspectives.
In light of the latest research into neurophysiology, psyche science and quantum physics, this book outlines the seven principles of the powerful interaction between psyche and body in healing processes, providing scientific answers to questions about the mechanisms which trigger it and identifying therapies that allow us to turn these internal switches on.
This is demonstrated through reflections, examples, and real cases shared by the author, a psychiatrist and doctor who has completed several rigorous trainings but maintains an open mind and has been committed for more than 15 years to seek healing of serious illnesses in the psychosomatic unit by using therapeutic synergies that strengthen official care practices with innovative treatments, with her passionate work to painlessly repair suffering, with the patient, or rather the person, always and constantly at the centre.
Dettagli eBook - PDF
Editore | Anima Edizioni |
Anno Pubblicazione | 2015 |
Formato | eBook - PDF |
EAN13 | 9788863654288 |
Lo trovi in: | Benessere e salute - ebook |
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