The mind in Ayurveda (eBook in Inglese)

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The mind in Ayurveda (eBook in Inglese)

Bruno Renzi

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In the tradition of Vedic Knowledge, Consciousness is not a dimension consequent to the peculiar phylogenetic development of the human being, nor is it a configuration that emerges in relation to... continua

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In the tradition of Vedic Knowledge, Consciousness is not a dimension consequent to the peculiar phylogenetic development of the human being, nor is it a configuration that emerges in relation to the organization of the Central Nervous System, but it is considered, on the contrary, a basic dimension of nature.

It is an original nucleus at the base of existence, “a vast and unlimited unified field that originates and pervades every phenomenon expressed in nature.” (Maharishi Maesh Yogi, 1966)

Experience teaches us that the Self has already existed for a long time and is more ancient than the ego, which represents the secret spiritus rector or guiding spirit of our destiny. The Self, as such, does not become conscious eo ipso (on its own), but it has always been taught, if it is taught at all, by a tradition, by knowledge…

Therefore, like every other archetype, it cannot be located, confined within the area of ego consciousness, but it behaves as if it were an atmosphere surrounding man without well-defined spatial or temporal limits… (C.G. Jung)

Within the vision of the mind in Vedic Science, the author highlights the importance of crucial preconceptional quantum factors that make up the “olographic memory”, that morphogenetic field which, at the level of DNA, determines temperamental phenotypical expression, and the existential project of the individual within a well-defined flow of consciousness.

Dettagli eBook - PDF

Editore Anima Edizioni
Anno Pubblicazione 2020
Formato eBook - PDF
EAN13 9788863655599
Lo trovi in: Tradizioni, terapie, discipline orientali


Bruno Renzi - Foto autore Bruno Renzi, nato a Catania nel 1953, Psichiatra, psicoterapeuta. Ha curato la propria formazione in ambito analitico transazionale e PNL. Dirigente presso il Dipartimento di Salute Mentale e Responsabile del centro di Medicina Psicosomatica e Funzionale Integrata presso l’Ospedale - Polo Universitario L. Sacco. Professore presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. Presso le Università di Bologna (Fondazione Alma Mater), La Sapienza di Roma e l’Università di Catania insegna, nei master di alta specializzazione, Medicina Ayurvedica. Responsabile didattico della scuola di Ayurveda... Continua a leggere la Biografia di Bruno Renzi

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