Art Coaching, Emotions and Alchemy (eBook)

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Art Coaching, Emotions and Alchemy (eBook)

Seeing beyond the eye

Sonia Boni

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Ebook in lingua Inglese Art for looking within, art for the soul. Consciousness sees no separation; science and art are companions, united by a single truth, guiding us towards a paradigm shift,... continua

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Ebook in lingua Inglese

Art for looking within, art for the soul. Consciousness sees no separation; science and art are companions, united by a single truth, guiding us towards a paradigm shift, towards an encounter with the secret language of art.

Have you ever thought that art and art history could be an alchemic tool for the evolution of consciousness? Have you ever wondered what value art could have beyond being purely aesthetic? What if seven small steps were enough to change those assumptions about art that limit its true expression and prevent us from making full use of it to get closer to our souls and listen to and understand what it whispers in our ears?

This book is intended to stimulate a change of perspective in order to return art to its true emotional language that is able to touch deep chords and reach inside to “heal” the soul. The intention is to take you on a fascinating journey between art and science where the disciplines converse and complement each other, and to induce you to explore a concept of art therapy that stems from listening to a work of art. Through the exercises I propose, you will learn to “feel” what the work of art arouses in you.

Dettagli eBook - EPUB

Editore Anima Edizioni
Anno Pubblicazione 2023
Formato eBook - EPUB
EAN13 9788863656763
Lo trovi in: Psicologia - ebook


Sonia Boni - Foto autore Sonia Boni è laureata in Lettere con indirizzo storico-artistico; è un’artista, ricercatrice e art coach. Certa che ogni sapere sia intrinsecamente e naturalmente collegato agli altri, si propone di far dialogare costantemente arte e scienza fino a giungere alla spiritualità. La sua continua ricerca e formazione, nonché la sua esperienza le hanno consentito di sviluppare un proprio metodo di lavoro integrato di art coaching. La partecipazione e organizzazione attiva a corsi e proposte sempre nuove favoriscono il suo costante aggiornamento. Si dedica principalmente alla ricerca e alla... Continua a leggere la Biografia di Sonia Boni

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